Thick film dispersion and linewidth analysis#

  • the dispersion of a 50 nm thick Permalloy film is computed in the Damon-Eshbach geometry

  • the Kalinikos-Slavin equation [B. A. Kalinikos and A. N. Slavin, “Theory of dipole-exchange spin wavespectrum for ferromagnetic films with mixed exchange boundary condi-tions,”Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics19, 7013–7033 (1986)] is also supplied as a function

import tetrax as tx
import numpy as np
%matplotlib notebook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Analytics: Kalinikos - Slavin equation#

  • the function omega computes the dispersion for both backward volume (BVM) and Daemon-Eshbach (SW) geometry by giving the proper keyword as an input to the function at call

def omega(k, gamma, M_s, A, T, B_0=0, kind="BVW", n=0, mu_0=4*np.pi*1e-7):

    omega_M = gamma * mu_0 * M_s
    omega_0 = gamma * B_0
    Lambda = np.sqrt(2*A / (mu_0 *M_s**2))

    k_n = np.sqrt(k**2 + (n*np.pi/T)**2)

    rat = k**2 / k_n**2
    kron_n = (n == 0)
    P_nn = rat*(1 - (2/(1+kron_n))*rat*(1-(-1)**n *np.exp(-k*T))/(k*T))
    if kind == "BVW":
        return np.sqrt(
            (omega_0 + omega_M* Lambda**2 * k_n**2) *\
                (omega_0 + omega_M* Lambda**2 *k_n**2 + omega_M*(1-P_nn))
    if kind == "SW":
        return np.sqrt(
            (omega_0 + omega_M * Lambda**2 *k_n**2 + omega_M*P_nn) *\
                (omega_0 + omega_M* Lambda**2 *k_n**2 + omega_M*(1-P_nn))
        print("No valid spin wave kind specified in dispersion. "
              "Please use BVW or SW.")
        return k*0

Numerical dispersion calculation#

  • we create a film with 50 nm thickness and a line trace mesh along the thickness with 1 nm resolution

  • NOTE: the thickness direction is the y direction, propagation direction is the z direction.

T = 50
sample = tx.create_sample(geometry="layer")
msh = tx.geometries.monolayer_line_trace(50,1)
Setting geometry and calculating discretized differential operators on mesh.
  • The film is magnetized along the x direction, using an external magnetic field of 20 mT, thus the wave vector is perpendicular to the equilibrium magnetization.

Msat = 796000. # A/m
Aex = 13e-12 # J/m
sample.Msat = Msat
sample.Aex = Aex
Bext = 20e-3
sample.mag = [1,0,0]
exp = tx.create_experimental_setup(sample,name="DE-geometry")
exp.Bext = [Bext,0,0]

Calculate linewidths with dispersion#

  • the linewidths of the modes can also be calculated serapately from the dispersion (not shown here)

dispersion = exp.eigenmodes(kmin=0,kmax=40e6,Nk=81,num_modes=3,num_cpus=-1, linewidths=True)
100%|█████████████████████████████| 81/81 [00:14<00:00,  5.76it/s]

Plotting of the dispersions from numerics and analytics for the first two modes#

k_ = dispersion["k (rad/m)"]

plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (8,6.5)
for i in range(2):
    plt.plot(k_*1e-6,dispersion[f"f{i} (GHz)"],ls="-",label=f'Numeric - mode {i}')
    plt.plot(k_*1e-6,omega(np.abs(k_), sample.gamma, Msat, Aex, T*1e-9, Bext, kind="SW", n=i, mu_0=4*np.pi*1e-7)/(2*np.pi*1e9),ls=":",lw=2,alpha=0.5,c="b",label=f"Analytic - mode {i}")

plt.xlabel("Wave vector (rad/µm)")
plt.ylabel("Frequency (GHz)")

Plotting the linewidths of the first two modes#

k_ = dispersion["k (rad/m)"]

plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (8,6.5)
for i in range(2):
    plt.plot(k_*1e-6,dispersion[f"Gamma{i}/2pi (GHz)"],ls="--",linewidth=2, alpha=1,label=f"mode {i}")

plt.xlabel("Wave vector (rad/µm)")
plt.ylabel("Linewidth (GHz)")